Survey of bible doctrine

Knowing what you believe and why you believe it is of the utmost importance as you grow as a disciple.  That's why Ryrie's A Survey of Bible Doctrine is so helpful.  In this timeless work, Dr. Ryrie offers an easy-to-understand overview of the various doctrines of the Bible.  It is written especially for Christ follower who simply wants to understand what the Bible teaches on issues including:  what God is like, the inspiration of the Bible, the person of Christ, the person of the Holy Spirit, the angelic world, the nature and depravity of man, salvation, the church, and what the future holds.

To help you unpack and apply all that you are learning on Bible doctrine, Pastor Kim has created a video teaching series.  New videos will be released regularly.

Get started

Are you ready to start the Survey of Bible Doctrine study?  Are you seeking to know what the Bible teaches?  Let us know.  We'd love to encourage and support you along the way.

Enhance your study

Make the most of your study.  Purchase A Survey of Bible Doctrine by Charles C. Ryrie.  This book is written for every disciple who wants to grow in their understanding of what the Bible teaches.

“… Let’s call this book what it is—a book that will try to help you understand what the Bible teaches.” —Dr. Charles Ryrie

Here to help

As you study the Bible and you grow in your understanding of key Biblical doctrines, if you have questions or need clarity on an issue, feel free to reach out to Pastor Kim.