Oct 30

Oct 30: Worship God- Paul’s Speech in Athens 

Bible Passage:  Matthew 22:37; Ex 20:2-3; Acts 17:16-34
Big Idea: We put God first.
Leader Context: 
We put God first. God begins the Ten Commandments by saying not to have any other god but Him. In Acts 17:16-34, Paul visits Athens and sees the people have so many gods that they can barely keep them straight. Paul uses their religious ways as a chance to tell them about the only true God. Think about things in kids' lives that take priority over God, such as things like friends, video games, or sports and  how these things are not bad in and of themselves.

Leader Devotional

Small Group Plans

Younger IK Groups - Prek - 1st Grade
Older IK Groups - 2nd - 5th Grade