Mind the Gap

Nothing good happens in leadership on accident.  Leadership requires honest evaluation, intentional planning, and unrelenting execution.   Begin your next leadership season by Minding the Gap.

Pay attention between where you are now and where you want to be personally and organizationally.  Do you need a new skill?  Do you need a new teammate?  Do you need a new strategy tied to intentional process?  It all starts with minding the gap.

In every ministry, there is a gap.  The gap between where we are and where we must be based on the playbook.  The gap between what we can do and could do with more development.  The gap between today's stresses and where you want to be tomorrow and the gap between our present reality and our dream (vision) for ministry.

  • The gap between where we are and where we must be requires personal ownership and responsibility.  Someone else will never solve the problems we should own.
  • The gap between what we can do and could do requires personal and skills development.
  • The gap between what we feel today and where we want to be tomorrow is overcome by process and people development.
  • The gap between the present and our ministry dream is covered by vision and intentional development over time.

Identifying the gap in your ministry requires that you ask the tough questions and answer them honestly so that you know where you are today.  Start with honestly today and you will find hope for tomorrow.

What have you been ignoring?
Ignoring people issues will only multiply problems.  As leaders, we must step into the gap to address these gaps.  Relational ministry requires this.  Remember what 1 Thessalonians 2:8 teaches:  we share not only the Gospel but our lives.  This requires action, for example, if it’s a relational issue then schedule a time to meet with that person.  Also, remember that people problems throughout the church as we do our job to equip the saints for ministry (Ephesians 4).
Ignoring where you ARE will multiply problems and create future issues.  
Addressing the gap requires action.
Where are you feeling consistent stress or pressure?
The internal stress we put on ourselves is far greater than any external pressure from others (other teammates or church family). Example: Children's ministry wants a fully functioning team every Sunday & Wednesday, however, leaders don’t always serve when scheduled.
Stress can be overcome or minimized by two things:  new skills or best practices.  

SKILL GAP:  What do you need to learn to go to the next level?
Example: some team members use Shelby Membership that produce results (reporting, people data, etc.) but other team members may not be using Shelby as an effective tool within their ministry. This can be a gap based on lack of skill, however, this is a skill that can be learned. We can bridge gaps with skill development and creating habits.

PROCESS GAP: Define Win, New Habits, Repeat (next 3 weeks)
Is there consistent stress you are feeling? Get it out of our heads and onto paper and then into a team.   Build a process that you can do over and over again to deal with weekly pressures and demands.
Tomorrow will never be different if we don't deal with where we are TODAY.
Ask the Lord to give you the wisdom to see potential processes and for the desire for new skills.  Pray Psalm 90:12:  teach me Lord to number my days and give me a heart of wisdom.   Then, look for a partner to help you develop skills or see processes.  There is no shame in asking for help and growing.
What dream are you chasing?
Are there ministry areas that you are finding success in or are short on goals? Are we finding & maximizing all discipleship opportunities? Find the gap to step into so you can develop people. We all have the potential to see tomorrow differently. Feel overwhelmed by or unprepared for the future?  See Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding and He will direct your steps.
What COULD BE never will be unless we see the future and take steps to experience it.
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