Where is God?

Today, our All Star Kids groups finished up a series where they discovered that God always keeps His promises and that He is actively working in our world to do what is best for us and to do His best work in us!

It was such a powerful series to help the kids know who God is and who they are.  In fact, I think the truths learned in this series need to be known by everyone within the church.  Rather than retelling the whole series, I want to focus our attention on one of the most encouraging chapters in the Bible, Romans 8.  

Romans 8 is full of good news for every believer in Jesus.  It starts with the declaration that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  None.  It continues and teaches that Jesus not only forgives our sins but He helps us turn away from our sin.  The good news doesn't stop there.  In all things, God is working to accomplish His purposes in us and in the world.  Not only that, in Christ, we are secure in the love of God.  Nothing and no one can change that!

So, who is God?  He is the God who is rich in His mercy and love giving us His Son, Jesus.  He is the God who is committed to us, working in us, and giving us security that is unshakable.

And who are we?  We are forgiven sons and daughters of God.  We are empowered believers with the Spirit at work in us.  The Spirit who gives us power to say no to ungodliness and helps us to see God's plan when we cannot.   We are loved beyond measure and loved without limit.

If you are a believer in Jesus, you can know for certain that you are forgiven because of what Jesus did for you.  You can also know that you are not alone in your struggle to live a God honoring life.  Nothing can separate you from the love of God and the power of God is working in you!

If you aren’t a believer, yet, know that God loves you and gave His Son for you.  Jesus died and was raised again to offer life to everyone who believes - even you.  When you put your faith in Jesus, your sins are forgiven, God comes to live inside you, and heaven becomes your forever home.  Put your faith in Him and watch Him work in your life!