Managing Money as a Couple

There are few other topics more emotionally charged than money. In marriage, this is especially the case. Money has a way of exposing our hearts. Matthew 6:21 says that where we place our treasure, our heart will be also. So, when issues of money come up in marriage, they can very quickly become sources of conflict.

Thankfully, there is hope. There are two essential attitudes and two habits that are characteristics of couples who allow money to work as a catalyst as oneness rather than something that constantly leads to conflict.

Attitude #1: A Right Relationship with Money and Possessions
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. (Psalm 24:1-2)

Scripture makes it clear that our relationship with money and possessions is to be one of stewardship, not one of ownership. Stewardship is when someone is asked to manage another’s resources and does so according to the owner’s vision and values. Our job then is to manage God’s resources (or our money) and do so according to God’s vision and values rather than according to our own.

Nothing we have, our money, bank accounts, homes, cars, etc. are our own. First and foremost, all these things are God’s resources that he graciously gives us to steward.

When we embrace an attitude of stewardship, everything about money changes. Income is no longer a scoreboard and your career is no longer a ladder to climb. These things become a responsibility and an opportunity to be faithful. Personal fulfillment is not the goal of our earning, saving, or spending. The goal is to honor God. Debt is not just a way to get what you want. Debt becomes something entered into with caution, thoughtfulness, and prayer.

Generosity, for believers, is not living as your please and then giving from what is left over. It means first giving in abundance and then living on what is left over. Stewardship is a complete reordering of your financial world. It boldly declares that you are not the owner of your stuff, but a manager of God’s stuff.

If money is going to be a source of oneness in marriage, you first need to realize that you are on a mission together. Your mission is to steward God’s resources, not simply accumulate wealth or live in comfort and ease.

Discuss With Your Spouse
Describe your current relationship with money. What are the main sources of conflict?